How do I change the ZamFoo License Keys? Print

  • 446

How do I change the ZamFoo License Keys?

In order to change the ZamFoo License Key, you will need to edit the license key from the root SSH terminal. This can be accomplished by running the following command

nano /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/zamfoo/zamfoo_reseller_license_key.php

You will then see the following text

//Replace the words Enter License Key Here with
//your license key on LINE 15 below

//SOME....NOT ALL Correct EXAMPLES are Provided:

//Then hit 'control' key and the letter 'o' key at the same time(not number 0 )
//Then hit the 'enter' key to save the file
//Then hit 'control' key and the letter 'x' key at the same time to exit



Once your License Key has been changed, please enter "control" + "x" and choose the option to save


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